Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Good,The Bad And The Ugly...

The Good is

  • When I sit in supuja restaurant with my best pals ,cracking jokes on each other,mixing all the sauces and making mess on others plate,ordering more than we usually eat and stealing the spoons as a rememberance of that day.
  • When my pal did all the benchwork for his internal exam and was forced to replace his seat with me by the examiner in the last moment.
  • When my bike stops in the midway to the college with no fuel and a bunk just 100 metres far,with ranjith in my back seat and a 20 rupee note in his pocket.
  • My visa rejection the 1 st time when i was very truthful to the interviewer and succeeding the next time when each and everyword i spoke is BULLSHIT.
  • My 1 st cooking day in the US where i added sugar in the curry instead of salt to which my roomies applaused for its versatility in taste.

The Bad is

  • When it was my first day to college where I went on my old scooter and parked it under the mango tree beside all the bicycles,taking out my comb and setting my hair in the mirror and being caught and ragged by the seniors.
  • When i went to Pizzacorner with my pal and ordered for a spicy conizza with all the bellpeppers and alapinos stuffed in it and imagining its effect on us the next day with a smile on our face.
  • My childhood days in kindergarden when i skipped drinking milk at home and my mom sending it in a priya pickle bottle with my watchman and the teacher making me drink infront of my classmates,esp girls..(gals r gals even if its a kg class yaar).

The Ugliest is

  • An appraisal from my cricket coach when i took an excellant catch and getting ass kicked by mom for the same,when its done on a wednesday white uniform at school.
  • When my family doctor giving me an injection intesionally on my bump,when i used to act like having fever at the time of exams.
  • When i played a mixed doubles badminton in club with a guy as my partner
  • Asking my club secretary that i cudn't find a participation form for childrens games in the chess doubles event.

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