Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Why so much youth entrepreneurship in the U.S.?

Here is my latest column, it has been titled "The Loose Reins on U.S. Teenagers Can Produce Trouble or Entrepreneurs." Here is an excerpt:
The longstanding criticism of the American school system is that even in the better schools, too many students just “get by” rather than engage in a rigorous curriculum. This academic leniency is bad for many average or subpar students, but it also allows some students to flourish. Relatively loose family structures have similar effects; American children are especially likely to be working on their own projects, rather than being directed by parents and elders.
American philanthropy is also a significant and unheralded factor behind American youth entrepreneurship; many young entrepreneurs used elders as mentors or asked them for financial assistance. Furthermore "selling to the young" is much derided by critics such as Juliet Schor or Benjamin Barber, but it has its benefits. Sometimes advertising inspires the young to start marketing themselves.

what r ur comments?

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